Gajdoš Introduction and Fugue in D(C) major/Mikiyasu FURUMIYA 20 years old

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Miloslav Gajdoš(1948-)
Introduction and Fugue in D(C) major

I participated in the 29th Leoš Janáček International Competition in Brno, Czech Republic in September 2023. It was my first international competition. I was lucky enough to win Honourable Mention(5th prize) and Special prize of the jury for the best interpretation of a composition by Miloslav Gajdoš in 29th Leoš Janáček International Competition in Brno. I decided to record it upon my return to Germany out of respect for him🤗

Recording 04.10.2023 at HfM Würzburg(DE)

Mikiyasu Furumiya(20 years old) – Contrabass
古宮 幹康 コントラバス

Mikiyasu Furumiya is a double bass player from Japan.When he was 13 years old, he met a double bass donated by Mr. Tokuji Munetsugu (President of NPO Yellow Angel) and started playing the double bass in the brass band club.
He won the Honourable Mention(5th prize) and Special prize of the jury for the best interpretation of a composition by Miloslav Gajdoš in 29th Leoš Janáček International Competition in Brno, 1st prize at the 2nd Izuminomori Junior Contrabass Competition, the gold prize and the Chunichinewspaper Award (1st prize) in the high school individual division of the 33rd Chubu Japan Solo Contest, and various other international and domestic competitions. He has performed with the Central Aichi Symphony Orchestra conducted by Mr.Keita Matsui and the Nagoya Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Takeshi Ooi, and released two singles in 2021. In recent years, in addition to his musical activities, he has been conducting research in Italy and other parts of Europe, specializing in the study of the famous Italian contrabassist Giovanni Bottesini.
He has studied double bass first under Toshinobu Sakakibara, then under Prof. Hiroshi Ikematsu and Prof. Reo Watanabe in Japan. He has also attended master classes under Prof.Detar Kurig, Artem Chirkov, and Tomas Martin. He studied Alexander Technique under Basil Kritzer. He was a recipient of the 30th Niwa Sponsorship Students from the Daiko Foundation.
After graduating from Nanzan Boy`s Senior High School, he is currently enrolled at the University of Würzburg (Hochschule für Musik Würzburg), in Germany. He is studying under Prof.Michinori Bunya, and Prof. Dominik Wagner in Würzburg. He is now member of "MINTrabass".
He plays mainly Solo Conreabass made by Tetsu Suzuki(Amati Model) since 2021.

 中学1年生の時に宗次德二氏(NPO法人イエロー・エンジェル理事長)によって寄贈されたコントラバスと吹奏楽部で出会いコントラバスを始める。16歳でリサイタルデビュー、18歳、南山高校男子部在学時に松井慶太氏指揮・セントラル愛知交響楽団と共演、新進演奏家育成プロジェクト オーケストラ・シリーズに最年少で合格し翌年、大井剛史氏指揮・名古屋フィルハーモニー交響楽団と共演。第29回レオシュ・ヤナーチェク国際コンクール(チェコ)にて審査員特別賞及び現代曲最優秀解釈賞を受賞。第2回泉の森ジュニアコントラバスコンクール第1位、第33回 中部日本個人重奏コンテスト 本大会 高等学校個人部門において金賞および中日新聞社賞受賞(1位)、第28回日本クラシック音楽コンクール コントラバス部門 中学生の部最高位をはじめ国際・国内の様々なコンクールで入賞・入選。2枚のシングルを2021年にリリース。榊原利修氏の元でコントラバスを勉強しその後、池松宏、渡邉玲雄の各氏に師事。また、Christine Hoock, Alberto Bocini, David Murray, Detar Kurig, Artem Chirkov, Jeffrey Bradetich, 各氏のレッスンを受講。室内楽をDenise Bendaに師事。20th Annual Pirastro Strings Virtual Elite Soloists Program(Bradetich Foundation(アメリカ))受講生、大幸財団第30回丹羽奨励生、2023年国際ローデウス・コントラバス・アカデミー(ドイツ)奨学金授与者。2022年に南山中学・高等学校男子部を卒業後、現在、ドイツ・ヴュルツブルク音楽大学(Hochschule für Musik Würzburg)に入学し文屋充德教授の元でその後Dominik Wagner教授の元で勉強している。日本以外にもドイツ各地の演奏会にも出演し、演奏活動を行なっている。

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