AssayNet Sample Tracking App // Track your samples from the point of collection

Описание к видео AssayNet Sample Tracking App // Track your samples from the point of collection

The sample lifecycle on a mine can have a complex chain of custody from collection in the field to analysis in the lab. This complexity makes it prone to error, through sample mix-ups, cross-contamination or missing field data.
The new SampleTrack app from AssayNet allows users to tag samples at the point of collection using a smartphone or tablet, meaning users no longer need to carry laptops, scanners or other bulky equipment into the field. Integrated with the LIMS, samples can now be tracked through their entire lifecycle.

The app is intuitive and flexible, supporting whatever workflow you need. For pit sampling, a list of desired samples may be prepared beforehand along with any custom fields, and loaded into the app. In the pit, samplers scan barcode labels with the device’s camera to load each sample, and input field data such as the location. Once finished they simply save the entire list. When the samples are received at the lab, their barcodes are scanned again and the data is already there.

In other workflows, the number of samples may not be known ahead of time. Here, users can simply take a roll of barcode labels when sampling. As they collect each sample, they scan a label which adds a new sample into the app. They can then add field data, such as heading, bench or drift. Again, once finished the user simply saves, and the data is available when the samples arrive at the lab.


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