Snecko A20 Downfall STS: The Cursed Run, Final Act

Описание к видео Snecko A20 Downfall STS: The Cursed Run, Final Act

In the final act, after JUDGING the iron clad and over-powering the merchant, we face off in a rematch against the 3 heroes. They are no match for us, as we combo off using XForm and Shift+ on the 2nd turn. Vault gives us a free 3rd turn and it is all we need to wipe the floor with the intrepid adventurers.

Then we get a beautiful turn 1 against the whale, when bewildered let's us play our power cards for free. What follows is the usual grind against the whale boss, struggling to scale up against her dumb healing mechanic. In the end, we have 10+ strength and floating orbs power that makes all of our 0-cost cards deal 4 damage passively.

Thanks for watching the cursed run! Check out the score and the deck at the end.


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