OpenTelemetry Auto-Instrumentation Deep Dive - Carlos Alberto Cortez & Alex Boten, LightStep

Описание к видео OpenTelemetry Auto-Instrumentation Deep Dive - Carlos Alberto Cortez & Alex Boten, LightStep

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OpenTelemetry Auto-Instrumentation Deep Dive - Carlos Alberto Cortez & Alex Boten, LightStep

Auto-instrumentation allows users to monitor their applications without the need to modify the code base, and immediately start gathering observability data . As part of the OpenTelemetry initiative (resulting from the merge of OpenTracing and OpenCensus), auto-instrumentation libraries will become a core feature, and will be offered across different languages (Java, Python, Ruby, Node.js, .Net, etc). In this deep dive you will learn about the architecture of these auto-instrumentation libraries, out-of-the-box OSS libraries integrations (such as Spring, Django or Rails); how to configure them to export telemetry data to different tracing and metrics backends (such as Jaeger or Prometheus), as well as interesting challenges, such as the possibility to share OSS integrations between auto and manual instrumentation.


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