Organic Pest Control — The Best Products for Your Vegetable Garden — Invertebrate Pests

Описание к видео Organic Pest Control — The Best Products for Your Vegetable Garden — Invertebrate Pests

An essential preparation you must make before you plant your spring garden is stocking up with pest control sprays. The question is not IF you will get bugs in your garden, it’s WHEN you will get bugs in your garden. And the most vulnerable plants are the young tender ones you have just transplanted from indoors. Do yourself a favor and buy just a few things so that when the bugs start munching, you are ready.

Here in Southern California, I have been mostly covered with only a few key products every year. And they’re all organic! Watch here to find out how you can effectively combat the most prolific garden pests without spraying harmful chemicals all over your food crop.

Safer Brand Insect Killing Soap Concentrate

Monterey Neem Oil Ready-To-Use Insecticide, Miticide, & Fungicide

Safer Brand Caterpillar Killer Concentrate

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All the music in this video is from Epidemic Sound
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Edited by Rose Roser-Brown


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