Sinraptor’s 4th Ability Unlocked + Completed All Abilities Unlocked - Jurassic World Alive

Описание к видео Sinraptor’s 4th Ability Unlocked + Completed All Abilities Unlocked - Jurassic World Alive

That’s it! I got all of Sinraptor’s abilities unlocked & the last one is Afflicting Lockdown On Escape, Sinraptor is a force to be reckoned with! This is my 2nd Omega creature to get all of the abilities unlocked.

I’ll make this a little bit longer as Sinraptor destroys everything in its path!!!

Afflicting Lockdown On Escape
Target Escapee: Afflict all Resistance 100%, 1 turn, 2 attacks. Prevent Swap 2 turns.

What do you all think of Sinraptor’s final ability, Afflicting Lockdown On Escape?

Afflicting Lockdown On Escape would effect PVPs because it afflict all resistances & automatically Swap Prevention & they are dead by this on escape ability, Rajadorixis also has it too.

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