Need to move your Hard drive to new computer? Getting a Blue Screen? Inject driver and solve problem

Описание к видео Need to move your Hard drive to new computer? Getting a Blue Screen? Inject driver and solve problem

When you transfer HDD or SSD to a new computer you may get a BLUE SCREEN of DEATH
Reason is that there is no driver that works with new hardware. Its usually storage driver.
This is where you can inject a new driver to allow windows to boot.

- extract all the drivers to a USB thumb drive
- boot with the Windows CD or USB
- go to the recovery console (typically hidden somewhere under repair, or advanced tools
- find out what drive letter your windows installation is in (probably C:) and what drive letter your
USB thumb drive is in (let's assume D:)
- type in the magic command:

DISM /Image:C:\ /Add-Driver /driver:D:\ /recurse

- wait until the process completes. You should see lines indicating what driver is being injected
- reboot


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