Terminator 2: Judgment Day (SNES) Playthrough - NintendoComplete

Описание к видео Terminator 2: Judgment Day (SNES) Playthrough - NintendoComplete

A playthrough of LJN's 1993 license-based action game for the Super Nintendo, Terminator 2: Judgment Day.

I'm going to be right up front here - I really like Terminator 2. It surprises me to see how much venom there is in people's comments on videos of this game. It's not at all a top-10 game, but I always thoroughly appreciated its attention to detail and its adherence to the plot of the movie.

I love the style of the graphics. On old 16-bit games, it always impressed me when a game's buildings had tons of tiny little details in the furniture and random stuff. Shadowrun and SOS had a similar deal. It really sells the environments much better than the typical backgrounds you saw in games that would have a single-colored room with a sorta-desk-looking object in the background and you were to assume it was an office. It's also really colorful and varied. My favorite stage by far had to be the mall (The Galleria) for all the shops you could run through - they even had John next to a not-Afterburner Afterburner machine when you find him in the arcade! The animation is fairly goofy and awkward - I was particularly a fan of the ridiculous kick that looks like MJ's crotch thrust. The music isn't bad for the first stage, but it plays on an endless loop until you hit the last stage, so it gets a bit irritating after awhile. The Terminator theme does sound awesome though.

The game is also fairly difficult, but nowhere near as much as a lot of people make it out to be. The driving segments are pretty simple and fun - you drive to your destination, and the compass at the top tells you which way you should be going. You don't have to worry about swerving everywhere since the turning is semi-automatically done. Just tap Y and an arrow and Arnold turns smoothly on his own. I liked how those sections did a nice job of representing that this was taking place in a larger "world" instead of just separating different stages with a generic "Stage Clear!" screen. The platforming sections are pretty cool in that they have objectives that vary depending on what scene in the movie you're playing through - the first stage has you finding John's address in the phonebook, while another at Cyberdyne has you weakening the building's supports so that your explosives can bring it down. There's even a limited bit of escorting John and Sarah, but you can leave them somewhere and pick them up later if you don't want to have to protect them. The controls are pretty stiff, but you get used to them quickly enough - Arnold could stand to turn around a bit faster though when he's surrounded by enemies, and he jumps like he's babying a herniated disc.

The last boss thoroughly confused me, though. Why does the T-1000 turn into a magma monster that resembles Munch-fan art? I don't remember that part from the movie. Maybe they just tried to creatively merged it with the Alien3 ending. I have no idea.

I also love how it constantly assures you that the bad guys are sustaining nonlethal wounds when you are blowing them up or shooting them point-blank with a 12-gauge.

So, overall, I wouldn't call it a classic, or even excellent, game, but I thoroughly enjoyed Terminator 2. It has a lot of quirks, but once you stop looking for the bad and just take it for what it is, there's some quality entertainment here.

No cheats were used during the recording of this video.

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