Park Yu Chun (박유천/믹키유천) | AI Cover | A Gentleman’s Guide to Old-Fashioned Dating (Orig. MC 張天賦)

Описание к видео Park Yu Chun (박유천/믹키유천) | AI Cover | A Gentleman’s Guide to Old-Fashioned Dating (Orig. MC 張天賦)

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This AI cover keeps the original harmonies.
The original song from MC Cheung Tin Fu - A Gentleman’s Guide to Old-Fashioned Dating (MC 張天賦 - 老派約會之必要)
This AI cover is produced from GitHub open source.
This video has been created for entertainment purposes only.
No copyright infringement is intended.
All rights reserved to the owners.

Park Yu Chun model sampling from Slow Dance, Strong, What U Waiting For, How Much Love Do You Have In Your Wallet (당신의 지갑에는 얼마의 사랑이 있나요)
Download link:

Lyrics (English translation by ardeitleoir from
該怎麼初次約會 實在極費思量 Took great pains to work out how our first date should go
起初先推我兩次 挫我氣燄都正常 It’s normal that you’d first decline twice to deflate my ego
再約便說好 以里數換你獎賞 Then you’d say yes to my next invite – you’d be like my reward from redeeming mileage

找一間小店吃飯 浪漫大戲開場 We’d eat out at a small eatery, like how a traditional romance opera plays out
於燭光跟笑意裡 談談童年 提及理想 Talk about our childhoods and dreams amid the candlelight and laughter
吃到侍應生 靜靜話現已打烊 Until the waiter whispers they’re closing for the day

飯後未倦嗎 跟我逛逛 再送你歸家 Aren’t you sleepy after dinner? Stroll with me, then I’ll see you home
我可以為你 關起手機 純靈魂對話 I’ll turn off my mobile for you, so our souls can engage
怎知道霎眼 就談到 赤柱了 Who’d know that we’d arrive in Stanley(1) in the blink of an eye? We’d talk so much
錯過了 你我的家 We’d just pass by both of our homes

寧像個書生 初約佳人 (與你有種牽引)I’d rather act scholarly on our first date (There’s something about you)
蝴蝶滿心飛 不過 未走近(勝過世間一見就吻)Butterflies flutter within my heart, yet we come no closer (Nobler than how people kiss on first sight)
多想 一見即吻 但覺相襯 Wanna kiss you on first sight so badly, but if we’re indeed a match
何妨從夏到秋 慢慢抱緊 Why don’t we take a season’s time to slowly hold each other closer?

明月正偷窺 這對璧人(兩個坐這麼近)The bright moon peeps down on this beautiful couple (Both sit close to each other)
何用太心急 一晚露底藴(故作老派手卻在震)No need to be hasty and show my hand on the first night (Pretending to be old school, but my hands are shaking)
承襲 古典小說裡 優雅的情感 Taking on the elegance of the Classical Novels
情願 待新婚才獻吻 I’d rather wait until we wed, before we kiss

不急於一晚散盡 十萬夜那溫柔 There’s no rush to expend in one night a lifetime’s worth of tender love
一針針 跟你刺繡 If I can embroider with you stitch by stitch
年華悠悠 怎會悶透 How will the many years ahead be dull?
訪西廂 登紅樓 仍攜著你手 I’ll hold on your hand, while we visit the Western Bower and Red Chamber(2)

初邂逅 On our first encounter
我喜歡雙雙 漫步在霧裏 I’d like to walk in the fog together with you
趕攤牌 實在是沒趣 It’s no fun if I immediately show all my cards
跟你這 一種老派鴛侶 An old school couple we are, you and I
只想約會到八千歲 微醉寫詩作對 下去 Just wanna go out with you till we’re 8000 years old – staying tipsy, writing poetry, keeping each other company

寧像個書生 初約佳人 (與你有種牽引)I’d rather act scholarly on our first date (There’s something about you)
蝴蝶滿心飛 不過 未走近(勝過世間一見就吻)Butterflies flutter within my heart, yet we come no closer (Nobler than how people kiss on first sight)
多想 一見即吻 但覺相襯 Wanna kiss you on first sight so badly, but if we’re indeed a match
何妨從夏到秋 慢慢抱緊 Why don’t we take a season’s time to slowly hold each other closer?

明月正偷窺 這對璧人(兩個坐這麼近)The bright moon peeps down on this beautiful couple (Both sit close to each other)
何用太心急 一晚露底藴(故作老派手卻在震)No need to be hasty and show my hand on the first night (Pretending to be old school, but my hands are shaking)
承襲 古典小說裡 優雅的情感 Taking on the elegance of the Classical Novels
誰狂熱 會自焚 Whoever is fanatical will ultimately burn themselves

誰又要火速 私訂終身(與你有種牽引)Who hastens to be secretly engaged? (There’s something about you)
甜蜜每日一小片比較動人(勝過世間一見就吻)Sweetness is best enjoyed in small daily doses (Nobler than how people kiss on first sight)
情是 今晚淺酌過 一世都微醺 Love is like sipping a cocktail that’ll leave you mellow for life
重演 父母初相識 的氣氛 Let’s reenact the atmosphere when our parents first acquainted

我倆這天初約 We’re going on our first date today
逛遍市區所有路燈 We’ll go see all the city’s streetlights

與你有種戀愛預感 Got a hunch that we’ll fall in love

(1) Coastal town in southern Hong Kong.
(2) Romance of the Western Chamber (or Romance of the Western Bower), and Dream of the Red Chamber, are two classics in Chinese literature.


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