How Many Points Do I Need for PR?

Описание к видео How Many Points Do I Need for PR?

We are often asked by clients how many points do you need to receive an invitation for general skilled migration. The answer to this question depends on which visa you are applying for. It can also depend on other factors such as what occupation you are applying with? And are you working in your current industry in Australia? Which state do you live in?

Please note the points test is relevant only for General Skilled Migration Visas.

General Skilled Migration Visas include:
✔ The Skilled Independent – Subclass 189 -
✔ The State Nomination – Subclass 190
✔ The Skilled Regional – Subclass 491 -
✔ The Family-Sponsored – Subclass 491 -
✔ How Many Points Article:

Which visas require the Highest Points?
The Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189) and Family Sponsored (Subclass 491) require applicants to have the highest points. This is because these visas are only points tested. Nothing else except how many points you score decides if you will receive an invitation.

Why is it so high?
Recently immigration has decreased the number of applicants being invited to apply for the Skilled Independent or Family Sponsored Visas. The demand for these visas is much higher than the supply, so the points required increased.

Which visas require the Fewest Points?
The State Nominated (Subclass 190) and Skilled Regional (Subclass 491) visa require the lowest points. Recently we have had applicants receive an invitation to apply for the 190 with as low as 70 points and 65 points for the 491. The points you require to receive an invitation vary from state to state and vary depending on which occupation you are applying for. Each state may also have different nomination requirements.

What Factors are important for State Nomination?
- Are you living and working in the state?
- Is the occupation on State or Regional Skilled Occupation List?
- What is the demand for the specific occupation in the State or Region?
- What other applicants have applied for State Migration and what points do they have?
- Do you have a genuine commitment to living and working in the state?
- Do you have an offer of employment from an employer?

For the Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189), immigration generally selects the applicant with the highest points (regardless of occupation). However, State Migration focuses specifically on what the demand for the state is for the occupations. Each State would like a variety of different occupations, so quite often applicants with lower scores will receive an invitation.

Recent Trends
Recently we have noticed that State Nomination is becoming increasingly difficult for offshore applicants. Many states are only accepting onshore applicants for those living and working in the state. Additionally, many state or territory programs are only accepting expressions of interests sporadically throughout the year. So when you submit your expression of interest is often more important compared to how many points you have. Many state and territory governments are also making it easier to apply outside the major cities of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane by giving applicants an extra 15 points for regional nomination.

If your occupation is on the state list and you meet the requirements, it doesn’t guarantee you will receive an invitation. States do not publish what points you need to receive an invitation. This is a competitive process and there is no set waiting list to apply for state nomination, but rather a pool of candidates that is constantly changing.

The state generally selects the highest-ranking candidates who meet the state nomination criteria in each specific occupation. They may not necessarily select the applicants with the highest points.

If you would like to discuss your points, or the chance of receiving an invitation to applying for general skilled migration, feel free to contact Pathway to Aus:

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