How Long Does the Microbiome Recover After Antibiotics? | Dr. Will Bulsiewicz | The Proof Clips

Описание к видео How Long Does the Microbiome Recover After Antibiotics? | Dr. Will Bulsiewicz | The Proof Clips

When the gut microbiome is in a state of harmony, teeming with diversity and richness, it supports our immune system, aids digestion, and even influences our mental well-being. However, even the healthiest individuals with robust microbiomes can face disruptions, especially when faced with an infection that requires antibiotic treatment.

In Ep. 271, Dr. Will Bulsiewicz walks us through how the body responds when prescribed a course of antibiotics. From reducing diversity and richness to entering into dysbiosis, Dr. B explains the serious consequences when our gut bugs are out of whack.

But it's not all doom and gloom. Dr. B explains that, for most people, the gut eventually recovers its pre-antibiotic state after the medication is completed. But how long? Well, it's not as simple as it sounds. Tune in to find out some valuable information.

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