Vlog # 19 | Unboxing Korean Skincare & Beauty Products | Wander Tinay 💜

Описание к видео Vlog # 19 | Unboxing Korean Skincare & Beauty Products | Wander Tinay 💜

Hi Wander Squad!
I'm back with a new video.

Unboxing my recent purchase of Skincare and Beauty products from Beauty Korea Dubai.

Fb: Beauty Korea Dubai
Instagram: @beautykorea_dubai
Website: beautykoreadubai.com
If you enjoyed watching please give it a thumbs up, and don't forget to subscribe and share.

My Social Media Accounts:
FB:   / wandertinay  
IG:   / wandertinay19  
Email: [email protected]

#koreanbeautyandskincare #unboxing #ofwindubai


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