Why are Muslims so scared of Dan Brubaker?

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So, why are Muslims so fearful of Dr Dan Brubaker's book 'Corrections in Early Qur'an Manuscripts'? It's only a 100-page book, published in May of 2019, on the subject of just 20-22 changes in the Qur'an; nothing more.

Yet, that book has caused all kinds of havoc for Muslims, because no one before Dr Brubaker has dared to do what he did...has dared to show the world that the earliest Qur'anic manuscripts have changes in the Arabic text; and not insignificant changes, but letters, words, and even whole sentences which have been altered, inserted, erased, covered over and patched up.

And not just one or two cases of these changes, but 100s, nay even thousands!

So, critics have begun to confront Dan's book.

It began with a non-Muslim, a molecular engineering student from the University of Chicago named Hythem Sidky, who in December of 2019 wrote a 16-page book review in the reputable Journal Al-'Usur al-Wusta.

One wonders how such a well known journal would permit someone without any degree in this area to write a 16-page review of a book which only had 105 pages? That is unheard of!

Nonetheless, in July of 2020, Dr Mark Durie wrote a private response to Sidky which was quite scathing, pointing out many methodological errors which someone like Sidky, who is not versed in Qur'anic manuscript, nor in Arabic grammar, would be prone to make. But, that response is not
public, as Dr Durie really wanted Dr Brubaker to respond.

Meanwhile, in November of 2020 a 285-page critique of Brubaker's book was uploaded by a group of Muslim bloggers and Speaker's Corner Da'wah advocates on to Academia.edu suggesting, by the sheer size of the paper, that they were really scared of Dan's book.

Then on November 26 (Thanksgiving Day) Dr Yasir Qadhi delivered his 'Crepidarian' 51-minute meltdown against Jay Smith and David Wood, which made sense since they were two of those who introduced and confronted his disastrous 'Holes in the Standard Narrative' interview of June 8. Yet, after only yelling at David for 4 minutes, Qadhi then turned his anger against Dr Brubaker, and railed against him for a whopping 8 minutes!

Why? Dan had nothing to do with the Qira'at or the Ahruf argument, and has never mentioned Dr Qadhi, nor his work, nor even the interview in any of his own videos (Variant Qur'an); so why was Dr Qadhi spending so much time on someone whom he shouldn't even have known about?

It was because Dr Brubaker's material is much more damaging than the Qira'at or the Ahruf debate, and eventually will possibly be the 'Achilles heel' which will finally destroy the credibility of the Qur'an. That is why he leveled some of his choicest criticisms at Dan. He had to, because of the danger Dr Brubaker poses to all Muslims.

In January of 2021 Dr Brubaker finally wrote his rebuttal to Sidky's article, which simultaneously covered almost all of the criticisms in the 285-paged internet populist critique of his book.

That should have laid to rest any more responses to Dr Brubaker, but it hasn't, as yet another critique, or as the author termed it 'Refutation', has surfaced, this time an entire book of over 105 pages, written and published a few weeks ago by none other than the noted Qur'anic scholar, Dr Tayyar Altikulac, out of Turkey, considered by many as possibly the leading Muslim scholar of the Qur'an today.

We now have the 'creme-de-la-creme' of the Muslim world, the best minds on the subject in all of Islam, sitting down to write an entire book in response to an even smaller book, by a man whom no one knew before May of 2019.

What does that tell you?

These many and varied critiques of that little book suggest to us that indeed Muslims are running scared of Dr Dan Brubaker!

And well they should, because if a little book of just over 100 pages, with only 20-22 examples of consonantal changes in the earliest Qur'anic manuscript can do this much damage to the Qur'an, than what will they do with the over 4,000 more changes Dr Brubaker has yet to reveal to the Muslim world?

This little book is just a taster of what is yet to come...

Here are links to Brubaker's PDF responses:

PDF at Academia.edu:

PDF for those without access to Academia: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/y8qa48lk9q...

To buy Dr Brubaker's Book:

© Pfander Centre for Apologetics - US, 2021
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