How to Paint Raven Guard

Описание к видео How to Paint Raven Guard

In this video I will show you how to paint Raven Guard! This is a really effective and easy to paint scheme that gets great results! Get your Raven Guard on the table and sneaking about using this how to paint guide! If you want your guys on the table faster, then you can probably cut out the last highlight on the leather and the armour, saving it for character models!

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My recommended equipment:

I use Winsor and Newton Series 7 brushes, size 00, 0 and 1 - you can get them here:

Paints List:

Abaddon Black
Dark Reaper
Thunderhawk Blue
Fenrisian Grey
Rhinox Hide
Doombull Brown
Skrag Brown
Iron Hands Steel
Nuln Oil
Chrome (Vallejo Model Air)
Mephiston Red
Evil Sunz Scarlet
Wild Rider Red
Stegadon Scale Green
Sotek Green
Corax White
Warp Lightning
Blood Angels Red

Paint Conversion Chart:

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