Sunday Catholic Mass for July 30th 2023 with Father Dave & Cats in heaven at the end

Описание к видео Sunday Catholic Mass for July 30th 2023 with Father Dave & Cats in heaven at the end

Sunday Catholic Mass for July 30th 2023 with Father Dave is an online Catholic Sunday Mass today for folks at home, or traveling, or sick, or affected by the Coronavirus; ‪@FatherDave‬ St. Martha Church, Point Pleasant, NJ
1. Start of Mass 0:01
2. Gospel 4:46
3. Homily 5:20
4. Communion Hymn
5. Thanks/ Announcement/ Cats in Heaven 35:49

Ignatius Principle and Foundation:

From the Spiritual Exercises [23] of Ignatius of Loyola

by David Fleming, SJ
1. The goal of our life is to live with God forever. God, who loves us, gave
us life. Our own response of love allows God’s life to flow into us
without limit.
2. All the things in this world are gifts of God, presented to us so that we
can know God more easily and make a return of love more readily.
As a result, we appreciate and use all these gifts of God insofar as they
help us develop as loving persons. But if any of these gifts become the
center of our lives, they displace God and so hinder our growth toward
our goal.
In everyday life, then, we must hold ourselves in balance before all of
these created gifts insofar as we have a choice and are not bound by
some obligation. We should not fix our desires on health or sickness,
wealth or poverty, success or failure, a long life or a short one. For
everything has the potential of calling forth in us a deeper response to
our life in God.
Our only desire and our one choice should be this: I want
and I choose what better leads to God’s deepening his life in me

Music and Dispute Information
July 30, 2023
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven

LAUDA ANIMA/John Goss/Henry F. Lyte

Text: 87 87 87; based on Psalm 103; Henry F. Lyte, 1793–1847, alt. Music: John Goss, 1800–1880.

Public Domain

O Bless the Lord, My Soul
Text: SM; para. of Psalm 103:1–5; James Montgomery, 1771–1854, alt.
Music: New Universal Psalmodist, 1770; Aaron Williams, 1731–1776, alt.
Public Domain.

Seek Ye First

Text: Based on Matthew 6:33; Karen Lafferty, b. 1948.

Music: Karen Lafferty.

Performed by Jessica Kortenhaus (piano) and Catherine Genz (voice) Church of St. Martha Point Pleasant, NJ USA.

Text and music © 1972, CCCM Music (Admin. by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing, Inc.)
Universal Music - Brentwood Benson Publishing (Admin. by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing, Inc.) CCLI Song #1352

Podcasted/Livestreamed with permission CCLI Copyright License # 20622823 CCLI Streaming License # 20622830

Dispute Info:

We have full permission to use the text and music to Karen Lafferty’s hymn, “Seek Ye First”, which was copyrighted in 1972 in the United States of America through our agreements with CCLI for both copyright and streaming. We retain two licenses with CCLI CCLI Copyright License # 20622823 CCLI Streaming License # 20622830 . CCLI manages the copyright and streaming for this hymn in the United States of America where we are located and where this Mass with Father Dave was filmed. The hymn was performed by musicians at the Church of St. Martha in Point Pleasant, NJ. Any claim to the use of this song as a cover song by any entity foreign or domestic is invalid as the musicians from Church of St. Martha performed this hymn--no recording was used. Any claim to music/melody or text by any entity foreign or domestic is invalid as we retain the licenses to use this hymn in its entirety music/melody and text. The use of this hymn both the text and music was reported through the CCLI online portal so that the copyright holders may receive proper royalties for use of this hymn. We are fully within our rights to use this hymn.

Holy God, We Praise Thy Name


Text: 78 78 77 with repeat; Te Deum laudamus; attr. to St. Nicetas of Remesiana, ca. 335–414; Grosser Gott, wir loben dich; tr. ascr. to Ignaz Franz, 1719–1790; tr. by Clarence A. Walworth, 1820–1900. Music: Allgemeines Katholisches Gesangbuch, Vienna, ca. 1774.

Public Domain.


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