Textiles as a Biofabrication Strategy - LIVING TEXTILE ARCHITECTURES SYMPOSIUM

Описание к видео Textiles as a Biofabrication Strategy - LIVING TEXTILE ARCHITECTURES SYMPOSIUM

Session 3: Textiles as a Biofabrication Strategy

We are excited to share the third session of the three-day hybrid Living Textile Architectures Symposium organised by the Living Textiles Research Group within the Hub for Biotechnology in the Built Environment (HBBE) at Newcastle University. Originally hosted on 12th of October – 14th of October 2022, Newcastle upon Tyne (UK) and Online

Chaired by
Romy Kaiser & Jane Scott (HBBE)

Intro: (0:00)
Christine Yogiaman | Knittedd Bio-Material Assembly: (0:34)
Svenja Keune (I.N.S.E.C.T.) | Interdisciplinary Exploration of Biodigital Manufacturing Technologies: (27:09)
Andrew Gennett | Project Devil's Fingers Façade: (58:21)
Vivien Roussel | The Meaning and Challenges of Personal Bio Fabrication : (1:12:21)
Romy Kaiser (BioKnit) | The BioKnit Prototype: Biofabricating Living Textile Architextures: (1:32:54)


LIVING TEXTILE ARCHITECTURES - Towards Multi-Species, Multi-Scale Interaction
This ARCINTEX symposium, hosted by the Hub for Biotechnology in the Built Environment reflects on the interactions between textiles, interaction design and architecture through the lens of biology to reveal the ideas, networks and new materiality emerging within our community.
What does it mean to design for multi-species interactions? How can biology transform our understanding of scale in textiles and architecture? How does technology intersect with the living and the non-living in biohybrid materials and systems for construction? How can we design with microbial communities using textiles processes to generate healthy microbiomes for the built environment? And how do we remain critically aware of the implications of the technologies that we are creating?
The sessions are grouped around the topics of Responsive Bio-textile Hybrids; Engineering Biology for Future Textiles; Textiles as a Bio fabrication Strategy and Textiles as an Interface for Multi-Species Collaboration


The Living Textiles Research Group positions textiles as a critical biofabrication strategy for the development of new materials and construction methods, transforming biomaterials and biosynthesised polymers into environmentally responsive, and programmable systems that operate at the scale of the built environment. Our research examines the potential to design with biology using textile materials, textiles thinking and advanced textiles technology. We enable multidisciplinary research collaborations with experts from across design and science communities leading to innovation across scales and applications.


Find more information about the Living Textiles Research Group:


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