I Applied to 20 Schools! ☆ College Decision Reaction 2020

Описание к видео I Applied to 20 Schools! ☆ College Decision Reaction 2020

filmed all of these when I was a senior (2019-2020) but never got around to posting... but here we are! currently a college freshman at northeastern university in boston! feel free to comment any questions about my process or the school :)

add me on Catch @hrwalle if want to chat! (https://testflight.apple.com/join/yvA...) I’ll be hosting a chat on the college admissions process + you can hear about what northeastern is like!! :) #catchpartner

stats: 1560 SAT, 96.6 GPA
ECs: class secretary, club + school soccer, social action chair and then regional president of my youth group, first chair band + orchestra, part-time job for 3 years, secretary of girl up

schools I applied to:
Binghamton University
UMass Amherst
University of Chicago
Case Western Reserve University
Northeastern University
Johns Hopkins University
University of Virginia
University of Rochester
George Washington University
Boston University
Northwestern University
Cornell University
University of Pennsylvania
University of Maryland College Park
Tufts University
Washington University in St. Louis
Brandeis University
Brown University

Instagram: hannahwallenfels


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