TEMPTATIONS IN THE WILDERNESS | Christian Symphonic Metal with Lyrics

Описание к видео TEMPTATIONS IN THE WILDERNESS | Christian Symphonic Metal with Lyrics

Welcome to the official lyric video of "Temptations in the Wilderness," a Christian symphonic metal track based on the Gospel accounts of Jesus' wilderness temptations.

Song lyrics:

The ominous silence in Jericho's desert air,
Sees a spiritual battle, beyond compare.
In the shadows deep, where temptations lie,
The Savior stands, with resolve to defy.
In the desolate wild, a battle of faithfulness,
Light of the world, against its darkness.

In the land of eternal promises bright,
The new Joshua has finally arrived.
In accord with the will of the Father,
In baptism crossing Jordan's sacred water.

All of God's people, summed up as one,
Heart weighing, yet not a stone, redemption begun.
New Moses walks through the wilderness,
Carrying the heavy demand of righteousness.

The tempter tries his worst to prevail,
But salvation’s bearer must never fail.

No hunger sways the one who knows
The true nourishment from God's word flows.
In wilderness fasting, trust stands strong,
With scripture's light, His fight goes on.
It is written, 'Man shall not live on bread alone,'
But by every word from God's mouth, the truth is known.

Jebel Quruntul, Temptation's peak,
Adversary’s lies, deceptive and sleek.
Disputing the mission, testing the call,
But on new Mount Sinai, He stands tall.

Son of David faces the sinister glow,
Where this world's Goliaths grow.
From the gates of hell their roots do spring,
But the cornerstone defeats the source of sin.

The tempter tries his worst to prevail,
But salvation’s bearer must never fail.

From temple heights, the challenge came,
To test God's care, to seek acclaim.
Still unwavering, He did respond,
In steadfast trust, its foundation strong.
It is written, 'Do not put the Lord to the test,'
In his faithfulness, we find our rest.

No mountain on this eartch can show
The fullness of glory, the kingdom's glow.
The kingdoms of the world, a fleeting sight,
In God's true worship, we find our light.
With authority, it is written,
'Worship the Lord your God, and serve only Him.'

In a few words, He crumbled the dark,
Prince of darkness lost his mark.
In the wilderness, victory was won,
In the light of the Father's Son.

In the land of promises ever true,
Jesus embodies the hope, and sees it through.
From Jordan's waters to wilderness wide,
In Him, forever, we abide.

How I Make These Music Videos:

All of the music on this channel is made with AI music generation software called Suno. The lyrics are from my poetry. In many cases, I have written the lyrics entirely in the "old-fashioned" way, although in several other songs, I've also begun to use ChatGPT to aid in the process. However, these typically require extensive preliminary inputs and significant manual revision and fine-tuning before satisfactory results. Lyric videos are made with Pinnacle Studio 26.

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