RAT-NIP - My Pillow 7" (2023)

Описание к видео RAT-NIP - My Pillow 7" (2023)

Rat fucking Nip, love this band bro. When the demo came out I slept on it but came back a while later and had that thing on rotation. I've only seen this band once with Heavy Discipline and Jackal in Boston back in 2019. All my chances to see them afterwards were thwarted and they made 2 bangin 7's since then, this is the new one that came out yesterday. Great stuff, guitar's doing some cool shit on some of these tracks. Blast this, Too Late song is tight

Oh shit, thank you to whoever came to the New York shows the other week dude, was insanely fun! Very glad some folks where able to see some of those bands for the first time, especially those who came out from the west, that was so sick. Didn't get anyone to record this time so please share some vids if you have any hahaha

1. Death Pact 0:00
2. Creep Out 0:57
3. Too Late 3:04
4. Schemer 5:45
5. Hurt People 7:18
6. Old Sky 8:46

Grab it here:



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