The Best Role in Football Manager Is...

Описание к видео The Best Role in Football Manager Is...

There are a lot of roles in Football Manager. I have undertaken the herculean task of ranking them all on a table to inform your FM tactic for years to come. This is a purely scientific endeavor that includes no opinion (citation needed). There are, however, so many roles in Football Manager that it can be worth it to go over them all to make sure your tactic does not spontaneously fall apart. This would be something that would ruin your FM save a little more than forgetting to add a match review in training.

Whether a role is good or not is much more in your use in a tactic and the skill of the player than the actual role itself. You can win the champions league playing with every role in FM, except maybe a libero, but that’s another matter. I’m mainly writing this for the people I refer here from the comment section saying their tactic makes use of five Segundo volante’s and they’ve won all six champions leagues in half a season on FM21, thus I am a fool. First off, congratulations, secondly, please give me your tactic for the next Streamer Showdown, FM21 has been problematic for me on that front.

Much Love,
FM Senpai

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