Claude Sonnet 3.5 creates Gaddr's Fractal Torus in Three.Js

Описание к видео Claude Sonnet 3.5 creates Gaddr's Fractal Torus in Three.Js

From the chat with Claude Sonnet 3.5
"Here's how it works:

The gaddr_fractal_torus function is now recursive. It creates the main torus and then calls itself to create smaller, nested tori.
We maintain the Gaddr Torus properties by using the equation r = R * π * α * 4 for the minor radius, where α (alpha) is initially set to 137/136 as per your original definition.
For each recursive call, we reduce the major radius R by a factor of 3 and halve the alpha value. This creates smaller nested tori that maintain a similar but slightly modified shape.
The recursion stops when the specified number of iterations is reached.
We add the coordinates of each nested torus to the parent torus, scaled down by a factor of 3 to fit inside."


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