Exercises to reduce swelling in legs due to prolonged sitting in office - Rajkannan Pandurangan

Описание к видео Exercises to reduce swelling in legs due to prolonged sitting in office - Rajkannan Pandurangan

This is definitely a problem nowadays because most of the people are sitting for a long duration in the office and they hardly get you and move around and that puts them at a risk of swelling in both their foot but make sure that the swelling which you have got is due to prolonged sitting and not due to anything else. There are other conditions like cardiac problems, renal problems and other problems in their systems which can lead to the swelling. So once you rule out these, then you can think that the swelling is due to prolonged posture. How to deal with that is you have to keep moving your foot up and down as well as moving you knee front and back as much as possible and the problem is with the static sitting how much this compresses the veins so that the blood that is accumulated in the veins cannot go to the heart. So the longer you sit the difficulty is for the blood to the heart. So the blood remains stagnant in the foot. So in the longer run, that puts you in the risk of developing even varicose veins. In order to prevent that is the future, it is recommended for these people that they keep moving their foot and the knee so that the contraction of the muscles will pump blood to the heart. Sitting for more than one hour is really not recommended. So they have to get up, move around, and sit and get up once and twice to pump the blood towards the heart. Thereby the stagnated blood cannot get swelling over there. As a daily protocol, you should have a habit of moving your ankle and the knee every now and then and getting up of a chair and moving around every one hour. So that will really reduce the risk of you developing a swelling over your foot.


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