Powstanie Warszawskie - Spektakl dronów 2024/Warsaw Uprising - Drone Show 2024 🇵🇱

Описание к видео Powstanie Warszawskie - Spektakl dronów 2024/Warsaw Uprising - Drone Show 2024 🇵🇱

The Warsaw Uprising began 80 years ago on August 1, 1944: For 63 days, the Polish Home Army (Armia Krajowa) fought against German occupation. The insurgents wanted to free Warsaw on their own before the arrival of the Red Army. But their efforts were in vain: on October 2, 1944, they had to surrender in the face of the enormous military superiority of the German troops.
 In the course of the Uprising, the National Socialists committed several massacres against the Polish population. They killed 150,000 to 200,000 Warsaw residents and razed the capital to rubble and ashes. Although the Warsaw Uprising was the biggest organised resistance action directed against Nazi Germany during the Second World War, people outside Poland hardly know anything about it.

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