Cinematic Minimalist Outdoor Modular 'The Accretion Redemption' Australian Wilderness feat: Moskwa

Описание к видео Cinematic Minimalist Outdoor Modular 'The Accretion Redemption' Australian Wilderness feat: Moskwa

Accretion - growth or increase by the gradual accumulation of additional layers or matter - a thing formed or added by gradual growth or increase.
Redemption - the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil - the action of regaining or gaining possession of something

Artisitically I wanted some long ebb and flows to happen, quiet reflective parts leading to big epic orchestral sounding with fast building sequences. There are definitely old school minimalist influences in this work, Riley, Glass, Reich etc: but I also wanted something pastoral and even English sounding - those with good ears might note the Cosmos Quencer do variants of Nimrod from Enigma. But this is more about growth and builds, controlled and powerful enough to cast out negativity or sins, hence the church bell sounds and deeper evil 'pluck' battles, with the sequencers and heavenly choral chords rising above it all.

A location only about 20 minutes from home and relatively easy to get this setup to. I was intentional about doing a long form epic textural piece full of undulating sequences and background choral, plus gongs and big plucks, so here it is. In two parts as I actually did a version the afternoon prior, but had forgotten to properly patch the 'ProbMelod' chords to the PolyCinematic, so it wasn't producing the chordal changes as expected! So what you are seeing will be early afternoon on Tuesday 14 May as Part One and late afternoon on Monday 13 May as Part Two.

There are patch notes embedded at the start of each section with the most detailed ones at the start of Pt2. The main manual components are me changing the notes on both Moskwa and Cosmos Quencer, or configs of those (parameters, random etc) along with the tones of various other sources, such as the wavefolding on PonyVCO or triggering the Surface but of course the main real time task is just controlling the balance of effectively 12 channels of sound (even the stereo pairs of PolyCinematic, Disting and Surface I am fiddling with the balance).

0:00 Part One
18:12 Part Two

Latest version of this rack here -

Patch Notes as in video below:
Ch1 - Mini Synth sequenced by Moskwa gate & cv. Moskwa clocked from x1 Pams1, also has random ‘direction’ and ‘reset’ from left Ornament & Crime RndWalk app clocked from 2x Pams3.
Minisynth has modulated VCF1 from ochd6 and PWM from ochd2.
Ch2 - CosmosQuencer built in sound. Clocked from 1x Pams2, and modded (range & rotation) from ochd3. The sound goes through a modded a121 VCF from ochd7. cQuencer is set to Eb.
Ch3/4 - PolyCinematic chord trigger (various Cm played in & stored prior) and CV sequence by Left O&C ProbMelod. Filter modded by v slow attn ochd8.
Ch5 - Bell sound on Pico Drums ch1 triggered by /9 Pams4. Volume modded on A130 VCA by slow ochd7
Ch6 - Pluck triggered by /19 Pams5 and CV from a TipTop QTZ’d 2HP TM also Pams5. QTZ set to C, Eb, G,Ab.
Ch7 - Pony VCO set to fast single notes phrases, probability trigger x4 Pams6. Note CV from ProbMelod as chord select for ch3/4. Volume mod via A130 VCA from ochd5, after MMF filter. Timbre modded by ochd4
Ch8 - TwinWaves B, saws, note/gates also from Moskwa as ch1. Manually mixed in and out.
Ch9/10 - DistingEX various Cm vocal samples Note CV from ProbMelod as chord select for ch3/4. Trigger from /15 Pams7
Ch11/12 - Surface in PianoMod sound. Notes & Gate from Moskwa as per ch1, Tone modded by 2HP LFO B. Manually control decay
Sync delay to FXAidXL1 from 1.3x Pams 8. Filter mod from a very slow OCHD.
FXAid2 on large choral reverb with modulated choral type from 2HP LFO 1.


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