Nicest Kids in Town: Idaho Fine Arts Academy, Connectivity Dance Concert, April 25, 2023

Описание к видео Nicest Kids in Town: Idaho Fine Arts Academy, Connectivity Dance Concert, April 25, 2023

Title: Nicest Kids in Town - Hairspray
Composer: Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman 
Choreographers and Dancers: Olivia Benitez, Sophie Clark, Callay Cromwell, Graclyn Dietz, Harper Jones, Beatriz Nascimentos, Lyla Swenson, Anneliese Van Auker  
Guest Performers: Max Redd, Levi Schurdell
Artist Statement: This musical theater dance is from the musical Hairspray and is about having fun and being kind. You will see the nonverbal connections with everyone in the piece and familiar dance moves you may have seen in the past. The music has high energy and dramatic parts to make it appealing. A story will be told by expressing movements such as getting ready for something big and by having heels to add to the 1960s vibe. The nicest kids in town show people that there is never a dull moment in life and that people should always stay strong and stay kind and stop segregation.


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