How Human-Like Robots Will Impact Work, Life and Society: Geordie Rose at McMaster University

Описание к видео How Human-Like Robots Will Impact Work, Life and Society: Geordie Rose at McMaster University

Throughout the entirety of human history we have always dreamed about, and been captivated by, the idea of creating machines that are like us. Human-like robots have appeared in endless science fiction movies, in both utopian and – more often – dystopian narratives. Geordie Rose, McMaster Engineering Physics alumnus, will talk about advancements in machine learning and AI that are enabling the minds of such robots to become increasingly human-like.

Rose is a serial entrepreneur. He founded his first enterprise, D-wave, the world’s first quantum computing company. He founded Kindred, the world’s first robotics company to use reinforcement learning in a production environment. He is now Founder and CEO at

Geordie was named the 2011 Canadian Innovator of the Year, and was one of Foreign Policy Magazine’s 100 Leading Global Thinkers of 2013. For a short time he also held the Guinness Book of World Records world record for the most yogurt eaten in one minute.


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