SUBTLE ENERGY BODY Advanced Anatomy + Energy Healing [Light Body Activation #1]]

Описание к видео SUBTLE ENERGY BODY Advanced Anatomy + Energy Healing [Light Body Activation #1]]

The Subtle Energy Body: Energy Work and Healing + Advanced Subtle Body Anatomy [FULL LIGHT BODY ACTIVATION #1] -

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~[ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS + Receive Extrasensory Illumination AND Deep Knowing of spiritual/psychic/energetic realms that YOU WONT FIND ANYWHERE ELSE!] Get the Keys for rapid expansion straight from the source :)

How To Energy Healing + Advanced Anatomy of Subtle Energy Body. Learn to Feel Energy through imagination, awareness, and meditation we discuss here. Healing Meditation and Imagination.

THE FULL REALIZATION OF THIS INFO = FULL Light Body Activation, Connection and Awareness of The All, COMPLETE ENERGETIC HEALING, Psychic abilities and Telekinesis, and Extreme Physical Strength and Energy.

Meditation, Kundalini, Spiritual Gnosis, Extrasensory Awareness, Imagination & manifestation, Inner Alchemy, Personal Development... We are taking it all TO THE NEXT LEVEL here at Reality FIles!! We will be Expanding Awareness, Understanding Self, Mastering Perception, and Ultimately Raising Our Consciousness to new heights! Hope you join us:) This is a Home for the Awakened, and all the Warriors in Consciousness out there!

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Helping you tap into the infinite energy around us, and Awaken the power within:) Thanks for the love and keep the energy flowing!! Drop any questions below. I do skype calls/google hangouts if you have questions! Please get in touch.

Dmitrius .. ( [email protected] )
[Truth seeker, Alchemist, Artist, Indigo Warrior, Lightworker, Intuitive Psychic, Cycle Breaker, Magician, Master Of Perception, and Master Architect]


Non ducor, duco.......I am not led, I lead.
Veritas Lux Mea...... TRUTH IS MY LIGHT
Via veritas et vita.....The way, the truth, and the life.
Sapere Aude............DARE TO KNOW!


REALITY FILES : Home of the seekers, the Gnostic Warriors, the Lightbearers. WHAT WE WILL BE DISCUSSING!! :)

Expanding Consciousness, Expanding Your Perception, Esoteric Knowledge, Gnosis, Mentalism & Mind Power, Imagination, Intuition, Telekinesis, Psychokinesis, Telepathy, ESP, Energy Work, Energy Healing, psychic abilities, DNA Activation, Magick, Subconscious Mind, Mind Hacking, Manifestation, Mastery, Raising Your Vibration, Chi, Spirituality and Spiritual Awakening, Meditation, How to Ascend, Ascension, Christ Consciousness, Immortality, Bible Secrets, Kybalion, Emerald Tablets, Tesla, Frequency, Vibration, Ancient Secrets, Alchemy, Hermetic Studies, Maxims, Transmutation, Transcendence, Syncretism, Sun Gazing, Raw Foods, Purification, Natural Universe, Alternative Health, Sacred Geometry, Etymology, Numerology, Gematria, Esoteric Scripture, Astrology, Flat Earth, War on consciousness, Indigo warriors, lightworkers, and Most of all - THE TRUTH.


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