The story of quantum correlations

Описание к видео The story of quantum correlations

CQT Colloquium

Speaker: Reinhard Werner, University of Hannover, Germany
Abstract: Quantum correlations, also known as entanglement, are at the heart of all
modern quantum technologies. I will recount the development of ideas in
four chapters, each centered around a key paper, the researchers who wrote
it, and the way it was received. The mathematical requirements will be kept
minimal, and I will rely on geometric visualisations wherever possible.
The chapters are
1. Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen (1935): Are we missing something?
2. Bell (1964): The possibility of a crucial experiment.
3. Tsirelson (1982): The body of quantum correlations. Here I will show
recent work with Thinh Le.
4. Gisin (2011): Network locality and causal inference. With recent work
on why real Hilbert spaces don’t work.


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