No-Cons 7-Hero UW HM in

Описание к видео No-Cons 7-Hero UW HM in

Huge thanks to Nightquist for developing the initial builds and tactics and inspiring me to make a paragon. Thanks to Eric too for all of his no-cons UW videos. Thanks to BaySix for spending who knows how many hours in solo UW that eventually lead to discovering this Dhuum glitch. Thanks to Dhuum for staying seated.

Pretty happy with this time but a sub-1:15 is clearly possible. After this run I had another that was on pace to be 6 minutes faster, but we wiped in Pools of all places. I choose to believe a sub-1:10 is even achievable.

Servants is usually messy, but not this messy. I need to save Technobabble for when a group of 4 dryders spawn. It was silly to cast in on the dryder that spawned by itself. Can't Touch This over Stand Your Ground may help as well, but the main issue was Meteor Shower getting off.

In NM I was playing 4 Me/N and 1 Me/R with 12 in Wilderness for perma QZ. The Me/R would always do significantly less damage, but that doesn't matter for NM. In HM, that damage difference usually resulted in fails at 4H or Servants. The current double QZ setup works far better.

Ways to improve the time:
- Go faster
- Wintergreen swords at Dhuum or max/close-to-max Q0 swords (probably won't make a huge difference)
- Focuses of Swiftness and Don't Think Twice for all of the ghosts at Dhuum
- Enable Unnatural Signet and either ESurge or SPain on the QZ at Dhuum so they can pump out some extra damage in between casting QZ. Possibly Wastrel's over SPain? May be best to give her a zealous sword in that case instead of the vamp she had here.

P: OQejUOmMKT7Ytl1Y5idOn19Y4YA
1-3: OQRCAswTO4EM9Md40iwQwQA
5: OQJTAYhixJHcCmemOcaRY78cAA
6: OAmjAukspNYTrX48bijrwTudMA

The following is incorrect, but I'm leaving it here for anyone trying to understand the comments:

In previous NM runs I ran Brutal Weapon on the ST, mainly so she would apply it to everyone at Dhuum. While setting up for this run I decided that she would do more damage spamming Fury. However, on review, I believe my math was wrong and that the combination of Brutal Weapon and Pain will do at least 5k more damage than Fury over the course of the Dhuum fight, and possibly as much as 10k more. Plus, we can't put up QZ until the ST has died (Spirit Light has no sacrifice if spirits of any kind are in earshot), so that's adds at least 21 seconds onto the start of the Dhuum fight.


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