Alma Wade Origins - Explored ( F E A R Game Creatures )

Описание к видео Alma Wade Origins - Explored ( F E A R Game Creatures )

F.E.A.R. is a horror game series that was perplexing to some, off-putting to others, and adored
by others who like the creepy little girl stereotype. Not just via movies, but also through games
like the Fatal Frame and Silent Hill series, the world of the frightening young girl has found its
way from Asia to western viewers. By the time we met Alma, we'd already encountered Samara
from The Ring three years before and Yuko and Toshio from The Grudge, a terrifying mother-
son combination. Alma Wade is the primary antagonist of the F.E.A.R. series and a strong psychic who seeks vengeance on Armacham Technology Corporation for using her in a series of brutal experiments and covert projects with the goal of commercializing her abilities.


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