HCPC Online Application Submission - full demo

Описание к видео HCPC Online Application Submission - full demo

A step by step guide of the hcpc online application submission. Includes a detailed demonstration of how to fill in all the sections of the form, what to attach along and how to submit.

The HCPC course information form has been updated from September 2023. Please follow this link for an introduction and step by step guide on how to fill this form:    • HCPC New Course Info Form: How to Fil...  

0:00 - Introduction
0:21 - List of documents required and attestation guidelines
0:47 - HCPC website - signing in
2:02 - New application
3:20 - Section 1: Your details + attaching identification documents
6:18 - Section 2: Your qualification + attaching certificates
9:35 - Section 3: Professional experience + attaching experience letters
13:33 - Section 4: Professional memberships + attaching certificate
15:02 - Section 5: Language proficiency + attaching certificate
15:31 - Section 6: Declarations
16:51 - Submit application
17:02 - Paying the registration fee
17:14 - Outro

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