
Описание к видео Undertaker

Detailed instructions for tying an Undertaker Atlantic Salmon and Steelhead fly.

Hook: Classic salmon hook (here a Daiichi 2139), size 6.
Thread 1: White Veevus, 10/0.
Tip: Gold oval tinsel, small.
Tag 1: Green Glo-Brite fluorescent floss.
Tag 2: Red Glo-Brite fluorescent floss.
Thread 2: Black Veevus, 10/0.
Rib: Gold oval tinsel, small.
Body: Peacock herl.
Collar: Black hen neck feather.
Wing: Dyed-black fox-squirrel tail.

Material Sources:
Hook: https://collabs.shop/97wly2
Thread: https://collabs.shop/1waxdk
Tip: https://collabs.shop/rxcedn
Tag 1: https://collabs.shop/eijbuy
Tag 2: https://collabs.shop/eijbuy
Thread: https://collabs.shop/1waxdk
Rib: https://collabs.shop/rxcedn
Body: https://collabs.shop/iai7nq
Collar: https://collabs.shop/wdf2xa
Wing: https://collabs.shop/qn4ir8

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See The New Fly Fisher Atlantic Salmon fishing in Labrador:    • Atlantic Salmon Fly Fishing - Best Of   and get tips from the Jensens on sight-fishing in murky water:
   • Murky Water Sight-Fishing  


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