Dragon Quest III SFC/SNES Baramos' Castle

Описание к видео Dragon Quest III SFC/SNES Baramos' Castle

This video is of Baramos' Castle and the fight against Baramos in Dragon Quest III SFC/SNES. The castle is only reachable using Ramia.

The castle is a maze with many staircases. However, with some exploration, it is relatively easy to figure out. There are a few treasures in the castle, but none that are absolutely essential.

The basement of the castle has some special graphic effects as well as a unique soundtrack which was not in the NES version of the game.

Baramos is quite difficult, possibly more so than in the NES version of the game. He attacks brutally and as can be seen in the video, easily kills weaker characters. This is the first boss fight in the game where it is basically essential to have one character who heals the entire battle. Often, a priest using the Healus spell due to Baramos' many group damage breath attacks and spells.



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