FUI - Fictional User Interfaces

Описание к видео FUI - Fictional User Interfaces

Qué es FUI?
Fantasy User Interfaces, Fictional User Interfaces, Fake User Interfaces, Futuristic User Interfaces, Film User Interfaces, Future User Interfaces. Lo que sea que signifique la F, son todas la misma cosa, las interfaces de usuario (UI) o las pantallas visuales (HUD) que podemos ver en películas y series famosas.

La mayoría no son software real sino animaciones sincronizadas con la escena o agregadas en post producción. Estas animaciones y gráficos estan creados en Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects y Maxon Cinema 4D.

Aquí les dejo una compilación de las que encontré en el mejor sitio sobre este tema: https://www.noteloop.com/kit/fui/

Más info en mi blog: http://www.fabio.com.ar/6864

What is FUI?
Fantasy User Interfaces, Fictional User Interfaces, Fake User Interfaces, Futuristic User Interfaces, Film User Interfaces, Future User Interfaces. Regardless of what the F stands for, they all represent the same thing, the user interfaces (UIs) and heads up displays (HUDs) found in many popular movies and television shows.

Most FUIs are not actual computer programs but simply animations being played back at the correct time or added in post production. These graphics and animations are designed in applications like Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects and Maxon Cinema 4D.

Spectre, Avengers Age of Ultron, Robocop, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Prometheus, Oblivion, Ender's Game, After Earth, Iron Man 3, Total Recall, The Avengers, Battleship, Tron


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