Sampling drumbreaks from vinyl and testing the

Описание к видео Sampling drumbreaks from vinyl and testing the

It's been almost a month that I'm "testing" the stems plugin for my MPCLive2, which I only use in standalone mode, mostly combined with the SP404og.
Few days ago, it came into my mind the idea to make a short live set by sampling some breaks from a vinyl, using stems to separate tracks, and live looping the breaks, to make a kind of "quick resume" of the album..
Like "naah, I'm too lazy to listen to the full album, let's hear a quick meshup!"
.. and there it is..
The album is called "Untouchable hiphop episode 2", and is a collection of fat and dirty oldschool hiphop remixes from the 90s.. you have definitely liste no it!
Of course,i'm not satisfied at all with the results of the stems separation, even if I admit that the quality of the samples themselves wheren't good at all..
Lot of volume ups and downs, background noise etc.. Not so powerful and smart to provide good results in thisrough case.
I'm indeed satisfied about the overall process and idea anyway... I enjoyed the performance, even if some terrible mistakes were made. ;-)


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