INFJ Guilt About Giftedness

Описание к видео INFJ Guilt About Giftedness

INFJ and INFP personality types are usually a part of the small percentage of the population who are considered gifted. Being gifted is a label that may seem like a good thing, but the reality of being gifted is actually quite different. INFJs and INFPs who are gifted may feel the crushing weight of expectations put upon them by their families and by society. Being gifted also makes INFJ and INFP personality types feel even more different and set apart from other people than they naturally are.

The most challenging aspect of giftedness for INFJ personality types is how it interferes with harmony in their peer groups. When an INFJ personality type realizes that their gifts are threatening to others, this causes them distress. For some INFJs, their gifts take the form of an above average intelligence, for others it takes the form of high creativity. No matter what form the INFJ’s or INFP’s giftedness takes, the INFJ or INFP tends to feel that they need to hide it, and they need to hold back on their gifts so that they don’t outshine others or make others feel less than adequate. This results in the INFJ or the INFP constantly playing small in their life and holding back on the full force of their creativity.

What every gifted type needs to understand is that they cannot manage anyone else’s reaction to their giftedness. And when they play small, they are not being helpful to themselves or to others. This is giving in to guilt about giftedness, and the cycle must be halted for INFJ and INFP personality types to move fully into their creative potential.

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