Waiting in the Wings-[from'Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure'라푼젤어드벤쳐]/cover by Sonia쏘니아

Описание к видео Waiting in the Wings-[from'Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure'라푼젤어드벤쳐]/cover by Sonia쏘니아

Waiting in the Wings /from'Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure /라푼젤의 모험

엄청 오랜만입니다!
오늘 불러드릴 노래는 디즈니 tv시리즈중 라푼젤의 모험에 나오는 카산드라의 노래에요!
저에게 어울리는 곡을 추천해주시면 작업하면서도 정말 감사하고 기분이 좋아요🥰
이 곡을 추천해주신 '웬엔웬엔'님 감사해요🙏🏻 오늘도 찾아와주시고 제 노래를 들어주시는 모든 분들 감사합니다! 건강관리 잘하시고 오늘하루도 행복하세요❤︎

❤︎Instagram →   / your_soniaa  


Guess we all are born with parts to play
Some of us are stars, and some are just in the way
I know I was meant for glory,
But that’s never what my story brings
And yet, I keep on waiting...

When you have the passion and the drive,
You expect your moment center stage to arrive!
I show up with heart ablazing,
Ready to achieve amazing things
But I’m left waiting in the wings.

I hear my cue,
And yet, I’m kept here waiting
Know what to do,
And still, I stand there waiting
It’s always someone else who sings
While I’m left waiting in the wings

And so I keep on keeping on
My chances come, and then I blink and they’re gone
Always overlooked unfairly,
While pretending that it barely stings...
But it stings, yes, it stings

And I’ll shed no tears,
I’ll only keep on waiting.
If no one cheers,
Well, I can’t keep on waiting!
Who cares how loud the silence rings?
You’ll find me waiting in the wings


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