Exclusive interview with Kevin Kelly:How do we coexist with AI in the future?

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Kevin Kelly is referred as a prominent prophet of internet, a futurist of the tech world. When he visited China in 2015, he foresaw, "Artificial intelligence will influence human society in the next 20 years." Today, as OpenAI makes a powerful influence on our daily life, our life and work styles will be reshaped. Kevin Kelly says that some kind of jobs will be eliminated, and technological development will make errors and learn lessons before achieving advanced goals. How will AI affect human life in the future? Kevin Kelly's provide his thoughts.

凯文凯利一直被誉为互联网著名的预言家,一位勾勒未来科技世界的未来主义者,有“硅谷精神之父”之称。2015年他来中国时,就曾预见:“人工智能会是下一个20年颠覆人类社会的技术。”今天,Open AI强势来袭的时候,我们直观感受到生活和工作将被重塑,凯文凯利说,有些工作注定要被淘汰,技术的发展也需要试错。未来的AI会如何影响人类的生活,来听听凯文凯利有哪些新的洞见。


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