Byrd: Infelix Ego. From the 2024 Palm Sunday Meditiation at Clifton Cathedral [live]

Описание к видео Byrd: Infelix Ego. From the 2024 Palm Sunday Meditiation at Clifton Cathedral [live]

Clifton Cathedral Choir, dir. David Bednall, sing Infelix Ego – William Byrd (c.1540-1623)

This meditation on Psalm 51 was written in prison by Girolamo Savonarola two weeks before he
was burned at the stake. He was tortured on the rack with only his right arm being spared during
the preliminary stages so that he would be able to sign his confession. Having done so he despaired
at his lack of strength and wrote this and a companion meditation. The writing is self-eviscerating
but also certain of the redemptive power of God’s mercy.

"Unlucky me! Bereft of all aid, who against heaven and earth have offended. Where shall I
go? Where shall I turn? To whom shall I flee? Who will have pity on me? I do not dare to lift
up mine eyes to the heavens, because I have gravely sinned against them. I find no refuge on
earth, because I have been a disgrace to it. What, therefore, am I to do? Shall I despair? Let
it be far off: God is merciful; my Saviour is kind.
Therefore, God alone will be my refuge: he will not despise the work of his hands, nor repel
his own image.
Therefore, to thee, most loving God, do I come, sad and grieving: for thou alone art my
hope, thou alone my refuge. But what am I to say to thee, since I dare not lift up mine eyes?
I shall pour out words of sorrow, implore thy mercy and say: have mercy upon me, O God,
according to thy great mercy."

G Savonarola (1452-1498), tr. Edward Tambling


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