F-4E-Tu22 Intercept

Описание к видео F-4E-Tu22 Intercept

Created an F-4E intercept video. Going after (4) Tu-22 bombers on this one. Things to note about the Tu-22s. First, they have tail gunners and WILL shoot you down if you get too close on their six. They are pretty good. Second, they are FAST! If you see their blue afterburners going, the jet is gaining speed. Once they get some distance from the F-4, it can be rather difficult for the F-4 to chase them down. I had one get away from me and no matter the intercept vector and in full afterburner, I couldn't get within 5 miles of him. So I lingered over my base and waited for him to attempt an bombing run. Then I attacked and took him out with an AIM9 heatseeker. I had about 100 lbs of fuel left when I landed.


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