Ring Video Doorbell Pro - Unboxing, Installation, Configuration, Demonstration, Review

Описание к видео Ring Video Doorbell Pro - Unboxing, Installation, Configuration, Demonstration, Review

Today we will be installing the Ring Video Doorbell Pro, hardwired edition, into a stucco wall, which I have just modified to relocate the position of the doorbell to a more suitable location. Everything required for the installation came in the box. Care was taken to ensure that power to the doorbell circuit was de-energized.

First, the pro power kit is installed onto the doorbell unit itself. After cutting my cable to size I used the doorbell and a level to mark the drill locations on the wall. Which is then drilled and tapped, and after test fitting the doorbell the provided ends were soldered onto my leads. These were then connected to the doorbell which was mounted to the wall.

Cut anchors were then used to shim the doorbell in needed locations and it was then tightened down. Power was then re-applied, and the wife decided what colour bezzel to use.

Since I already have the ring alarm, I already had the software on my phone, so I simply added a device and went through all of the dialogues.

The first order of business after software updates was setting the limits of monitoring so cars and foot traffic would not set off the doorbell. After which some experiment with auto-answer was conducted followed by some practical exercises with the unit.

#ring #ringdoorbell #ringalarm


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