古早味蛋餅Traditional Taiwanese Egg Pancake Roll|傳統台式早餐|你吃早餐了嗎?

Описание к видео 古早味蛋餅Traditional Taiwanese Egg Pancake Roll|傳統台式早餐|你吃早餐了嗎?


食材Ingredients (3人份serves):
中筋麵粉all purpose flour 100克g
玉米粉corn starch 50g
水water 250克g
糖sugar 1小匙tsp
鹽salt 1/2小匙tsp
蔥花chipped green onion 一把a handful
油oil 1大匙tbsp
雞蛋egg 3顆
肉鬆pork floss 適量some

1. 將中筋麵粉、玉米粉、糖、鹽、水、蔥花及油全部加在一起攪拌成液態狀的麵糊。
Add flour, corn starch, sugar, salt, water, chopped green onion and oil in a mixing bowl. Stir into a thin batter.
2. 倒入適量麵糊至平底鍋中攤平成圓形,待邊緣餅皮翹起即可翻面,煎至麵糊熟透後取出備用。
Pour an appropriate amount of batter into the pan and spread it out into a round shape. When the edge of the wrapper is lifted, turn it over and fry until the batter is cooked. Remove and set aside.
3. 打散一顆蛋,再加些肉鬆(可加任何喜歡的食材),蓋上餅皮。等蛋餅可移動後即可翻面。
Crack an egg, add some pork floss (you can add anything you like), and cover up with the wrapper. When the pancake can be moved, turn it over.
4. 將蛋餅捲起即可出鍋。切成小段,淋上甜辣醬或醬油膏即可享用。
Roll up the pancake and serve. Cut into small pieces, drizzle with sweet chili sauce or thick soy sauce and enjoy.


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