One Ocean with Baby Shamu Feature 1 of 2 (Full HD) April 18, 2015 - SeaWorld San Diego

Описание к видео One Ocean with Baby Shamu Feature 1 of 2 (Full HD) April 18, 2015 - SeaWorld San Diego


7pm show

First day back in San Diego, first time seeing the newest baby shamu "Kissa" lol kidding "Amaya" actually is the perfect name for her, I apologize cause some kids kept on moving back and forth throughout the whole show, come to think of it, throughout my whole time here. even before One Ocean started, Shouka and Orkid were already in the main show pool, but were called back to meet up with trainer john. since its my first time back I have to compare SeaWorld OrlandoSWF/San DiegoSWC, its a textbook show (SWF) while (SWC) I might not like it, but they seem to be changing it all the time(unpredictable) like not using the slide over all the time, or using it some other segment other than frolic, although id rather wait/watch under a shed/covered stadium like SWF and SWT(texas), I also noticed on this Full HD cam, I am able to record the 4 screens on stage(SWC) but i cant at (SWF) or
my camera reacts differently, cause i used my old 720p sony digicam had no problems.

Shouka and Orkid Start the show.

One Song - Shouka(trainer John) and Orkid(trainer Vicki), kept on making the mistake of choosing the 3rd row, with that huge metal blocking my view.

Frolic - I decided to move since those kids were chit-chatting too much, Ikaika(trainer Conor not Connor, I assumed) short version of the Ikaika splash and Keet with looked like Missy.

Side by side - Corky with Trainer Amy(kinda looks like Holly Byrd)
thanks kid with the green shirt lol, although the GOPRO guy was the most annoying person who sat/stood up in front of me.

Splash - Shouka, Orkid and Ulises.

1 of 2 cause I accidently pressed the record/stop button s2pid lol while cleaning the touch screen (water)


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