12 công cụ hữu ích cho dân IT | Hỗ trợ quản lý công việc

Описание к видео 12 công cụ hữu ích cho dân IT | Hỗ trợ quản lý công việc

In order to support people with useful tools and simplify the management of Active Directory systems in the system, I would like to introduce 12 support tools as follows:

1- SolarWinds Permissions Analyzer for Active Directory EDITOR’S CHOICE A free interface that gives a better view of permissions than you can glean in Active Directory itself. Download free tool.
2- ManageEngine ADManager Plus An interface to Active Directory that enables you to plan access rights more effectively.
3- ManageEngine ADAudit Plus Auditing features for Active Directory that help you demonstrate data protection standards compliance.
4- Specops Command Interface to PowerShell and VBScripts to automate many Active Directory management tasks.
5- Recovery Manager for Active Directory This tool recovers Active Directory objects without you needing restart the Domain Controller.
6- Microsoft Active Directory Topology Diagrammer A great mapping tool to let you see your permissions hierarchy at a glance.
7- ManageEngine Free Active Directory Tools Free bundle of 12 tools to help you manage your Active Directory implementation.
IT Environment Health Scanner This tool looks at DNS records, network time servers, and site and subnet configurations to confirm the accuracy of your Active Directory records.
8- BeyondTrust Privilege Explorer A simple interface that clarifies the user permissions and device access rights held in Active Directory.
9- Netwrix Account Lockout Examiner This tool supports the investigations into why a user has suddenly lost access permissions.
10- Bulk Password Control Password manager for Active Directory that includes bulk action facilities.
11- Netwrix Inactive User Tracker Root out abandoned accounts in Active Directory with this tool.
12- Lepide Last Login Report This tool gives activity reports that enable you to spot abandoned accounts.


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