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१.३ नेपालको भूगोल

१.३.१ धरातलीय स्वरुपको किसिम, विशेषताहरू

१.३.२ प्राक्तिक स्रोतहरू किसिम, उपलब्धि र वर्तमान अवस्था

१.३.३ भौगोलिक विविधता र जनजीवन

१.३.४ नेपालमा पाईने हावापानीको किसिम र विशेषता, हावापानीको विविधताबाट उत्पन्न भएका आर्थिक तथा सामाजिक क्रियाकलाप र जिविकोपार्जनमा विविधता

1.3 Geography of Nepal

1.3.1 Types and characteristics of physical features.

1.3.2 Natural resources: types, achievement and existing scenario.

1.3.3 Diversified geographical features and life.

1.3.4 Types and characteristics climate of Nepal. Socio-economic activities and diversity in livelihood due to diversified climate.#Geography of Nepal for kharidar
Geography of Nepal for kharidar
Geography of Nepal for kharidar
Geography of Nepal for subba
#Geography of Nepal for nasu
Geography of Nepal fornaasu
#Geography of Nepal for shakha adhikrit
Geography of Nepal forsection Officer
Geography of Nepal


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