History of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) - Dr. Manish Baijal

Описание к видео History of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) - Dr. Manish Baijal

The Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) is a weight-loss surgery that is currently one of the most commonly performed bariatric procedures in the United States. The RYGB is a complex surgical procedure that involves creating a small stomach pouch and rerouting the small intestine to the new stomach pouch. The procedure has been around for several decades and has a fascinating history.

The first RYGB was performed in the 1960s by Dr. Mason and Dr. Ito. At that time, the procedure was known as the jejunoileal bypass, and it involved bypassing a large portion of the small intestine to reduce the absorption of calories from food. However, the procedure was associated with several complications, including severe nutritional deficiencies and liver failure. As a result, the procedure was abandoned by most surgeons in the 1980s.

In the 1990s, Dr. Wittgrove and Dr. Clark developed a modified RYGB procedure that involved creating a small stomach pouch and rerouting the small intestine to the new stomach pouch. The procedure was initially performed laparoscopically, which made it less invasive and reduced the recovery time for patients. The modified RYGB procedure quickly gained popularity and became one of the most commonly performed bariatric procedures in the United States.

The RYGB procedure has undergone several modifications over the years. The initial procedure involved creating a small stomach pouch and rerouting the small intestine to the new stomach pouch. However, the procedure was associated with complications such as dumping syndrome, where food passes too quickly through the stomach and small intestine, causing nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

To address these complications, the RYGB procedure was modified to include a small connection between the stomach pouch and the small intestine, known as the Roux limb. This connection slowed down the passage of food through the small intestine, reducing the risk of dumping syndrome.

Today, the RYGB procedure is performed using minimally invasive techniques, such as laparoscopy, which involves making small incisions in the abdomen and using specialized instruments to perform the procedure. The RYGB procedure is considered one of the most effective bariatric surgeries for achieving significant and sustained weight loss in patients with severe obesity.

In conclusion, the RYGB procedure has a long and fascinating history. From its early days as the jejunoileal bypass to the modified RYGB procedure developed by Dr. Wittgrove and Dr. Clark, the RYGB procedure has undergone several modifications to improve its safety and efficacy. Today, the RYGB procedure is one of the most commonly performed bariatric surgeries, and it has helped millions of individuals achieve significant weight loss and improve their overall health and quality of life.

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World Laparoscopy Hospital
Cyber City, Gurugram, NCR Delhi
Phone: +919811416838

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Bld.No: 27, DHCC, Dubai
Phone: +971525857874

World Laparoscopy Training Institute
8320 Inv Dr, Tallahassee, Florida
Phone: +1 321 250 7653


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