Dekopro Welding Helmet: Solar Powered Auto Darkening Hood Review

Описание к видео Dekopro Welding Helmet: Solar Powered Auto Darkening Hood Review

Some of you hobbyists and DIYers welders who own welding helmets may have heard or owned auto darkening welding helmets already. But for those who are new to welding and looking for the best welding helmet for beginners, you should at least know some pointers on how to choose the best type to help you protect your eyes.

So for you to learn more about welding helmets, especially the auto darkening welding helmets, watching or reading welding helmet reviews could help. In this video, I am presenting to you the Dekopro welding helmet solar-powered auto-darkening hood review to let you know that this could be the best helmet you have been looking for.

But what is it about this welding helmet that makes it so special from the rest and why did I choose this? Well, initially, I was looking for a cheap auto-darkening welding helmet online but it should offer the best eye protection I could have for the money.

But then I always come back to reading the Dekopro welding helmet solar-powered auto-darkening hood review because accordingly, this welding helmet offers not only its efficient automatic darkening system but also presents a manual selection of shades to let your eyes feel more comfortable based on the type of welding you do.

To show you if its lens shading options really work. To test its manual shading capacity, I experimented with doing two different types of welding, namely, stick and MIG welding and also plasma cutting. All of these applications produce sparks that could endanger the vision of a welder without the proper eye protection.

But to make the experiment more viable, I did a comparison test along with my old auto-darkening helmet and you can watch in this video how my new Dekopro welding helmet has fared accordingly against my old helmet.

But then what other good features that this Dekopro can offer? What I also like about this auto-darkening welding helmet aside from the manual shading options is it’s equipped with an on and off switch so that if you want to save its stored solar energy, you can do it with a flip of a switch. Unlike my old welding helmet, the energy drains slowly without control even if it’s not in use. This new helmet can help you save on stored energy and let you do your job continuously.

Check it out with my Amazon Link Below

Blue Eagle Auto Darkening Helmet :

YESWELDER Large Viewing True Color :


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