How to Extract Information from Text with SpaCy

Описание к видео How to Extract Information from Text with SpaCy

In this webinar, I'll take you through building a spaCy project that uses a named entity recognition (NER) model to extract entities of interest from restaurant reviews, like prices, opening hours and ratings. We'll go through how you can utilize rule-based systems in combination with machine learning to improve your whole natural language processing pipeline, from data annotation to evaluation. In addition, we'll talk about building iterative processes and the benefits that understanding your data can have on your project.

Speaker: Victoria Slocum

Victoria is a Developer Advocate at Explosion, where she supports the Natural Language Processing community around the popular open-source library spaCy, the annotation tool Prodigy and other developer tools. Besides running marathons, learning new languages, and building fun machine learning projects about music and food, she loves learning about natural language processing and ensures that the open-source community has everything they need to do the same.

#naturallanguageprocessing #textprocessing #machinelearning


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