[Full Movie] 潮汕风云 Legend of Mazu | 功夫动作电影 Kung Fu Action film HD

Описание к видео [Full Movie] 潮汕风云 Legend of Mazu | 功夫动作电影 Kung Fu Action film HD

Synopsis: The Kung Fu action movie "The Legend of Mazu 潮汕風雲" tells the story of Guo Xiaomei (acted by Wang Yu), who inherited the jade statue of Mazu in Ferry Village, who is chivalrous, courageous and strong in martial arts during the period of the Republic of China. The Fishing Tyrant Huang Tianzong (acted by Zhu Tiehe) set fire to the boats in Ferry Village as a ploy to get his hands on the jade statue of Mazu, and his actions threatened the fishermen's livelihood. In order to save his mother and break his family out of its impending doom, Lin Taozai (acted by Chen Tingwei) of a famous family asks to marry Guo Xiaomei for his son Lin Mingyi (acted by Wen Xi). To save the people in her village, Guo Xiaomei had no choice but to agree. On the night of the wedding, the playboy Lin Mingyi, who did not want to get married, cooperated with the bandits and got himself fake-kidnapped. Little did he know, Huang Tianzong used this as an opportunity to make the kidnapping a real one. In order to rescue her newlywed husband, Guo Xiaomei broke into the bandit's nest alone. She employed her courage and strategy to subdue the bandits, defeated Huang Tianzong, and rescued her husband.

故事简介: 功夫动作电影《潮汕风云 The Legend of Mazu》讲述 民国时期,渡头村妈祖玉像传人郭小妹(王宇饰)侠肝义胆、武艺高强,渔霸黄天纵(朱铁和饰)为得到妈祖玉像,放火烧了渡头村的渔船,将渔民们逼上绝路;名门望族的林陶再(陈庭威饰)为了救母、冲喜,为儿子林铭义(文熙饰)求娶郭小妹,郭小妹为了解救渔民,不得已嫁入林家。迎亲当晚,不想成亲的纨绔公子林铭义跟土匪里应外合,绑走自己,不想却被黄天纵将计就计,买通土匪来了个假戏真做。为解救新婚丈夫,郭小妹独闯匪巢,有勇有谋巧妙设计最终制服土匪、击败了黄天纵,解救出自己的丈夫。

Studio 出品发行: 亚视影业 Shenzhen Asian Film
Directed by 导演: 蒋亚 Jiang Ya
Starring 主演: 王宇 Wang Yu, 陈庭威 Chen TingWei, 朱铁和 Zhu Tiehe
Genres 题材: #动作 #actionmovies #功夫 #kungfu

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