Gasherbrum II - Pakistan

Описание к видео Gasherbrum II - Pakistan

Maximum altitude reached 7.993 m.

Was not possible to continue for the team because the weather conditions were bad and we could't see nothing around us.

The general conditions at the mountain were very bad this season. To reach the Base Camp you need to walk around 105k during 6-7 days depending the weather. After 2 weeks only in the base camp because was snowing all the days, we carry part of our equipment at Camp1. After that we comeback to the Base Camp to take the rest part of the equipment and food. We take a rest for one day in the Camp1 and we went to Camp2 and the next day to Camp3. We didn't use the Camp4 and decided go from the Camp3, because the weather reported said that we would have a snow storm. We started our attempt with snow during the night and was difficult walk over the fresh snow. During the traverse was not possible to see around us, but we continued during several hours to climb not to much meters. We were the last climbers that day, slower than the others one because we didn't use oxygen or porters. The storm started and the last climbers that we saw, said to us the conditions were bad and at least we needed 2-3 hours to reach the summit that day. After consulting the last weather report by Inreach and saw that the weather was getting worse, we decided to comeback to the Camp3 and be safe.

During the storm we waited at the Camp3, but was not possible go up again, all the days were snowy. Two days after, when the snow stopped we decided to go down, from the Camp3, Camp2, pick up equipment in Camp1 and finally to the Base Camp. The conditions to the route were not the best and we spent 26-27 hours going down with all the equipment.

The most dangerous part is between Base Camp to Camp1 and from Camp1 to Camp2. From the Base Camp to the Camp1, the route is long and dangerous with huge crevasses and continuous risk, you need to find the best alternative and be very careful. During the last part of the season, the snow its soft and where was ice you will find water. All the times that we crossed that part, was a different route and more dangerous.

From the Base Camp to Askole we walked 3 days. After that we took a Jeep to Skardu and took a plane to Islamabad. Pakistan recieved us like a friends.

Thanks to our families, friends and brands for the support in this adventure.


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